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How to Change Your Domain Name? Beginner's Guide

You can discover the cheapest domain registration in the UK that much better describes your website, or you might prefer to switch domain extension for private reasons.

However, changing your domain name shouldn't significantly impact your website or clients as long as you follow a few easy procedures. We'll discuss a few of the reasons why you might wish to alter your domain name in this post.

The procedure will then be explained to you in four easy steps. Let's get going!

How to change your domain name | CIRA

When Should You Change Your Domain Name?

Similar to your home address, your domain name serves as your online address.

A different IP address is used to visit each website.

When you get the cheapest domain registration in the UK or anywhere else you're essentially setting up a record on the Domain Name System (DNS) that notifies visitors that they will be connecting to a certain IP address when they visit the domain.

Although it seems complicated, the system is actually extremely simple. For fear of their visitors being unable to discover their sites again, people don't frequently change their domain names. But there are several circumstances in which doing so is advantageous:

  1. A better focus on communication for your website.
    You could have selected a domain name that you're no longer happy with, or you might have chosen an inappropriate Top-Level Domain (TLD), which is,.net, or another identifier after the cheapest domain registration in the UK.
  2. Rebranding purposes, in other circumstances, you might wish to completely revamp the look and name of your website, in which case you'll also want a new domain.

The procedure of switching to a new cheapest domain registration in the UK is thankfully not too difficult. You won't confuse your regular visitors in the process, and you'll maintain your content.

To guarantee there are no issues, you just need to adhere to a straightforward, step-by-step process.

How to Change Your Domain Name in Four Steps?

Although changing your domain name is a pretty straightforward procedure, doing it properly entails more than just getting a new domain. Let's look at how to accomplish that because you'll also want to make the procedure as simple as possible for your visitors.

1. Make a New Domain Name Selection and Assign It to Your Website

Though selecting the cheapest domain registration in the UK is a very personal choice, there are a few things to consider to make sure you choose wisely. Check it out before choosing a new domain because we already wrote a whole post to help you through that process.

When the time comes, you may use our platform to register a new domain.

If you already have a website that is hosted by us, you can just give it that name. You'll need to search our knowledge bases for the right procedure for other hosts, though.

2. Rebrand The Appearance of Your Website

You may need to adjust any of your site's design elements in order to reflect your cheapest domain registration in the UK specifically.

The same holds true for any other component that makes reference to your previous domain name, such as your logo, which will probably need to be updated. Examples include:

  • If your site has one, it’s about page.
  • Frequently contains copyright information at the bottom of your website.
  • the text that shows on a browser tab when you open it, or the "tagline" of your website.
  • All allusions in your writing that are not specifically related.

Fortunately, implementing these adjustments is rather simple, but before moving on, make sure that your website no longer contains any references to your old domain.

In order to prevent visitors from being confused by the changes, you must also inform them of them.

We'll discuss it in a moment, but first, let's speak about redirects.

3. Redirect Traffic to Your New Domain

Redirecting people from the old cheapest domain registration in the UK to the new one is, in my opinion, the most crucial step when changing your domain name. You won't miss out on any visitors who had your old address saved or who came by frequently if you do it that way.

You can accomplish this from your cPanel with the majority of web servers. Simply locate the Redirects icon in your Domains area and click it to begin.

Your old domain will now redirect all visitors to your new one whenever they access it. While you wait for traffic to your old domain to decrease, we advise keeping both of them online.

4. Provide Users with Updates Regarding Your Rebranding

Your brand-new cheap domain names in the UK needs to be operational at this point. All that's left to do now is inform your users of any essential rebranding modifications as well as any changes to your website, including its new URL.

You'll have a lot of perplexed regulars if you skip this step. The three most effective techniques, in our opinion, to inform your user base are as follows:

  1. As soon as you rename your website, add an illuminating article on it.
  2. Link your followers to the aforementioned content when updating them on your website's social media pages.
  3. The modifications to your site should be explained in an email campaign.

Do not forget that for techniques two and three, you may send out many emails and social media updates. Your chances of interacting with as many followers and subscribers as you can will be maximized in this method.

It's not a choice you should make hastily to change your domain name.

It is, after all, one of the fundamental components and the main signifiers of every website. If you're positive about it, there's no reason why you can't pull it off without endangering the traffic or reputation of your website when you buy .co.UK domains or any other domain.

14 Jul 2022