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6 Reasons Why Your Website Must Have a Blog

If you’re running a business online but don’t have the time or energy to have a blog on your website, you should hire someone to do it for you.

Because, even if everything is going perfectly – you have an engaging website with a low bounce rate, your Google ads are providing great results, and UK’s best web hosting company is by your side keeping your site up 24/7, you need something to keep your customers engaged.

Blogging can do a lot for your business.

It can increase your SEO performance, make customers happy, and provide a ton of content for you to share on social media. It all links back to your site.

What Are the Benefits of Blogging?

If you're a busy business owner, you might wonder if keeping a blog on your website is worth the time and effort.

Well, it is if you want to boost your company's exposure and reputation among customers and put something on your website that is beneficial for them, and free too!

For instance, if you own a web hosting company in UK, publishing technical tutorials to guide your clients how to manage their website with ease would make you a favorite among all other hosting companies in UK. Because, apart from providing customer support, you’d be offering solutions to your customers problems on your website!

Here are six reasons why you should consider a blog for your website:

1. Become an Authority

Any top web hosting company blogs may answer frequent queries and explore industry trends for potential consumers.

Customers may be more inclined to conduct business with you than with your rivals if they perceive your blog as one that can give useful information on relevant themes.

Inbound links can help boost visitors to your website if you provide interesting and distinctive content.

Also, when a customer visits your website to read a specific blog, they’d likely stay there for a few minutes, hence your bounce rate would reduce and your website’s authority would increase on Google.

This would further lead to more benefits, but let’s talk about those later.

2. Drive More Traffic to Your Website

Websites with blogs may be able to attract more traffic than websites without blogs and the ROI they may provide.

How can blogs generate so much more traffic?

New material and relevant keywords create good SEO results, which means you need new content and a place to put it.

Blogs are great for you because they let you do that. This creates newer content and helps your website rank higher in search engine results. That way, there's a greater chance that people will click on your website, giving you an advantage over others.

3. Convert the Traffic into Leads

You have the option to turn that traffic into leads now that your website is receiving more visitors.

Each new piece of content may present a chance to create leads, which you may do by including a call-to-action in each blog article.

Offer a free e-book, webinar, consultation, or free estimate to get customers to give up their contact information.

Your sales staff may follow up with these prospects once you have their contact information.

4. Boost Efforts on Social Media

Sharing blog posts on social media might be a great idea.

You may be more likely to receive social shares if you publish unique material that is helpful, intriguing, and amusing to your target market. A bonus: Unlike curated material shared on social media, information published from your blog links back to your website.

You may also include social sharing buttons on your blog so that visitors can share your information, turning your followers into your own grassroots marketing team.

5. Build Deep Relationships with Potential Customers

Your blog's comments area might be a spot on your website where you can engage in a two-way conversation with customers.

Asking questions after an article to start a dialogue, waiting for readers to submit comments, and then interacting with those readers might be all it takes to encourage engagement on your site.

You have the potential to create trust and acquire insight into what your consumers want by replying to their comments.

6. Drive Long-Term Results

So you produce a blog article, promote it on your social media networks, and hope for some shares. The traffic generated by that content will dwindle to a trickle after the initial flurry of activity. Isn't that all there is to it?

Search engines have now indexed the page search engines.

Like the rest of your website's static pages, this blog may be accessed for as long as it's available on the internet.

Indeed, a website with a significant volume of blog material can continue to increase overall traffic from previous blog articles, potentially offering a significant return on the few hours you spent creating a post.

7. Humanizing a Brand

Customers have become accustomed to hearing you talk professionally and persuasively about your products and services.

A blog allows visitors to your website to learn more about you personally.

This is where you may have a bit more fun with your brand, express your thoughts, and give a "behind the scenes" peek at your business.

Are you still unsure? According to Quick Sprout, 60 percent of consumers have a favorable impression of a company's brand after reading its blog, and 61 percent have purchased based on a blog post.

8. Giving Industry Credibility

Maintaining a blog gives your brand a more conversational, human voice and establishes you as a subject matter authority.

Having a well-written and continuous blog shows your consumers, rivals, and staff that your organization is a reliable source that keeps up with industry changes and advancements.

Adding a blog to your site makes sense from a practical point of view.

You can help improve search rankings, build trust, attract website visitors, and cultivate customer connections with little investment and effort.

As a result, your readers may be more inclined to hire you or buy items from your firm and suggest your organization to others.

Make sure you include blogging in your content calendar. No one wants to spend a lot of money on search engine marketing if they can receive the same traffic for free, and a fantastic blog may help you significantly improve your stats.

Investing some time and attention into your blog will pay off in organic traffic, content strategy, and, eventually, your brand!

If interested, look for a web hosting company in the UK if you want someone to host your website before adding any blogs.

31 May 2022